Monday, July 25, 2005

Friday - Went to celebrate Juntong bday.. lol they went to KBOX 1st.. then sing sing , after that , went to CHINABLACK chiong.. loL~ quite ok la.. dance like mad only.. ahaha then bought 6 heniken to drink.. then dance again.. after that went home le ba.. Night rider.. quite fun overall.

Sat- Went to my Auntie place to Celebrate her opening ceremony.. then eat buffet.. lol quite nice.. alot of ppl thru.. then went to walk walk haha..

Sunday- rot at home la.. play game & chat & eat & watch tv.. lazy to go out..

Today- yoo.. now in school.. darn boring.. haha.. lesson from 8am to 5pm. wahaha now its 1.10pm. TAhan !! haha

No pic to put leh.. so put myself.. wahah

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Today is Thursday.. haha..

<-- a pic i took wif chonghow.. hehe.. at HMV MIRROR.. whhha funny right?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

whahaha.. today im so so tired....

then very sian.. dont feel like doing anything..

Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!! Sorry Yanbin!!!

Sorry la.. i never go wif u today.. was doing project.. >.<


Sunday, July 17, 2005

Yetersday, i cant believe i read bible for 2hours, i thought its just 30mins.. thats really cool. found alot of interesting things..

This month is my bad month.. alot of bad things happened.. sad.. hope faster pass..

yooo... today is SAT .. Went to sentosa.. blah blah blah.. ok? haha

Wow, At night.. Marilyn online , its had been ages seeing her online.. i asked " if still were friends? can chat & sms u right? " She replied " yea , of cos " ..

im so touched.. thanks marilyn . take care ok.

Tml is a great day.. ~~~~~~~~~~~

My Future Bike.. whhaa .. i wan it very much.. =) hope i can get it..
Vespa! Blooooom~

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Tuesday is a tiring day lor..
School starts at 10am then is PE/SW .. then running all that.. tired la.. after that 6pm finished school. After go home i go Taekwondo Sia.. extra training.. 7.30pm until 10pm.. wahh shiok la.. kick ppl.. wahaha i kicked until ppl mouth .. omg.. =x fun.. hehe


<--- kang kang or milk~? haha

<-- my classmate. macdonald 2nd version.. !! loL

<-- my classmate also.. wahah sleeping he dunoe sia .. we put battery in his nose.. haha but hes a good guy! i must thanks him alot.. helped me in many things .haha

<--- wat sia .. wat is this face? i dunoe who is this. i found in my COMputer.. wahah

Hope u guys like it~ whahahah > Click pink font..

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Haha.. today is a boring day! at home rot.

Some more pics for u guys to enjoy

95% look alike! lOL

99% look alike!

100% look alike!! haha

<-- this 1 funny... like this also can.. LOL!

Hope u all like it.. haha

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Hello.. few days never blog liao..

Upload some Old photos here to entertain u all.. hehe''

Bangala? vs KissingWomen

<--- wu Zhong xian>? Blacky! haha

Haha.. Hope u Enjoy! =)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

hi... im in school now.. haha
hi... im in school now.. haha

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Yo.. today is a boring day.. go to school at 12noon.. hha reach soon 12.30.. i skipped SW... is at10am de.. too bored liao.. haha

Like that lor.. the day pass..

Monday, July 04, 2005

Later School again.. Sian to max! See the Lamer Teacher = SUX

Faster la.. how many days more to holiday? End of the YEAR IM a free bird.. ooo! haha then ARMY! hehe ... faster la~~ so boring..
Bday Girl!!

the Guys!
The Blacky!

These Pics took during Szeling Bday! at Ding Tai Feng locate at Paragon. basement.. the food Darn Nice!!! =)

Take care ppl... Please Tag..